5 Seconds That Make the Right Calgary Web Designer Worth the Money

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When you’re considering which Calgary web design team to hire – or whether it’s even time to hire one at all – one of the first questions that might come to your mind is: “How long will it take for my website pay for itself?”

There are a lot of different answers, each depending on the way you think of bottom-line value. However, our own personal estimate might be somewhere around five seconds.

Does that sound like an impossibly short period of time? Maybe, but consider three things a brand-new buyer does when they visit your home page and like what they see:

First, they stay on the page. You probably know from your own web surfing experience is that it only takes a bored, disinterested, or unimpressed visitor a few seconds to decide to take their attention (and money) elsewhere. By simply keeping them on your page with the right look and layout, you’ve crossed the biggest Internet marketing hurdle.

Next, they find what they’re looking for. With the right web design, it should be very easy for buyers to locate the information or products they were searching for. That ensures you don’t lose any more business than you should to confusion or a bad user experience.

And finally, they form a good impression of your business. This is a more subtle point, but also the most important one on this list. When the new customers form a positive impression of your business, it paves the way for bigger sales that come faster. It’s the kind of benefit you can’t really appreciate until after you’ve launched your new website, but it’s one that makes a huge difference in your bottom line.

While this might not be the kind of ROI calculation you had in mind when you thought about earning money back from your new website, these are exactly the kinds of impressions in situations that matter when it comes to long-term profitability.

It only takes a few seconds for customers to tell whether you hired the right Calgary web designer or not… so shouldn’t you work with eKzact?

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