We’ve already written about how easy and important it is to use YouTube as a marketing tool. Simply put, it’s something that nearly every business should be trying, given that more than 1 billion people a day are checking in to see video clips of all sorts.
What we haven’t told you, however, is how easy it is to mess up.
That’s because, as simple as it looks, video marketing on YouTube isn’t a simple and simply uploading a few clips asking people to buy. After you’ve checked out our other piece on the three things every YouTube video needs, be sure you avoid these for common YouTube marketing mistakes:
Posting commercials. There’s a reason people change the channel in between sitcom segments. Posting your commercials online — or videos that seem like commercials, rather than something interesting or informative — virtually guarantees that people will stop paying attention to you quickly.
Failing to win attention. While there might be billions of visitors to YouTube everyday, there are also millions of other videos they can watch. Remember that, and come up with a topic and tone that make people want to stick around. Orrin videos are the deaths of your YouTube marketing campaign.
Not investing in quality. Grainy footage is cute when it’s a reminder of your sixth birthday or that time you saw Bigfoot in the backwoods of West Virginia; when your YouTube videos are low quality, however, customers just think you don’t have your act together.
Forgetting to include contact information. Supposing you’ve done the right thing and made your video understanding and engaging, be sure people can follow up by actually getting in touch with your company and buying from you. You’d be amazed at how many marketing videos miss the simple, but crucial step.
If you are interested in learning how to produce your own website video’s, reach out to us at our Calgary Website Design service site, we would be pleased to help you. We can teach you how to produce your video in your own micro studio or produce them for you!