A Brief History of the Internet

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A Brief History of the Internet - Ekzact Solutions - Calgary Web Design

The internet has become such a significant part of our everyday lives that we routinely take it for granted. Knowing how it developed can expand your sense of perspective and give you a sense of what lies ahead, so let’s take a moment to learn about its history.

ARPANET to Internet

In the late sixties, due to a need for connectivity between research computers separated by distances, the US Department of Defence funded the creation of ARPANET, one of the earliest advanced computer networks. The concept of networking then became more widespread. Many different networks were built in different locations for various purposes throughout the seventies, and all that was missing was a way to link them together with a standard protocol of communication. This is where TCP/IP came in. Its universal adoption in 1983 is generally considered to be the birth of the Internet as we refer to it today.

The Web and a New User Interface

Are the Web and the internet the same thing? Not really. The Internet itself refers as a whole to all the data, networks, machines and devices comprising one giant super network. The World Wide Web is the system by which most of us access it all. It came to fruition in 1989, along with more user-friendly ways of accessing the Internet. This led to the development of browsers in the early nineties, and with the creation of Internet service providers, the evolution of the Web fell into the hands of anyone with a connection and a computer. The rest, as they say, is history.

What’s Next?

Few Internet users in the late nineties could have imagined what the Internet would be like today. Likewise, it may be difficult for us to conceive of how things will evolve in the next decade. One thing we are already observing is that information exchange capabilities are becoming far more advanced in terms of speed, which means more sophisticated web design, web applications, and wireless transmission. The impact of mobile technology is already clear in the world of digital marketing, so as things get faster, this will be a good thing to stay aware of!

There’s always something new to learn about the Internet and what it can do to improve business and life. Give eKzact a call at 403-770-3023 to learn more about how you can use it to your advantage!

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