When it comes to launching a brand-new business website, one of the toughest decisions you’ll probably have to make is whether to handle the web content on your own or work with a professional copywriter.
Although hiring a writer is undoubtedly the easiest option – and probably the best way to ensure you’re going to get webpages that convert visitors into customers – there are some advantages to writing your own content. For one thing, you’ll save a bit of money. And for another, nobody knows your business, and your customers, as well as you do.
So how do you, as someone who’s not a professional writer, get your web content just right? Here are a handful of helpful tips to get you started:
Think of ideas first, and search keywords second. You need both, but focusing too much on the SEO aspects can leave your pages with a forced, unnatural style.
Organize text into small, easy-to-read blocks. Nobody likes to see line after line of boring text. Break things up into smaller sections to make them easier to read and understand.
End each page with a call to action. Give visitors something to do at the end of each page, even if it’s just clicking somewhere else or calling your business for more information.
Edit very carefully and thoroughly. Having typos and bad grammar on your webpages hurts your credibility. If you aren’t a good editor, have someone else read through your work.
Consider bringing in a writer at the end of the process. Sometimes, you can save time and money by hiring a writer to polish your webpages instead of writing them from scratch.
A great website is nothing without fantastic content that really speaks to your visitors and moves them to action. So don’t rush through your web content, and don’t be afraid to get a little bit of help when you need it.
If you’re looking for the very best in Calgary web design, with more than two decades of experience, eKzact should be your first choice. Call us today to set up a free consultation with our creative team.