You may know that utilizing holidays to liven up your marketing strategy is a must-have technique, but how exactly you do this will depend on the holiday itself. Canada Day is here, so let’s take a look at a few examples that will help you grab the attention of your leads and clients.
Gather Your Team
If your company is driven by a hard-working team, chances are you’ve got a team photo on your website. If you don’t, it’s something you should certainly consider! Whether you’ve covered that base or not, getting the team together on the Friday before the long weekend and taking a Canada Day group photo is an excellent way to update the online presence of your staff. It will show the lively personality of your company in a way that is relevant to what’s going on in the real world. This is essential to avoid the unflattering and unprofessional feeling that your site and social media profiles are outdated and lacking that human element.
Show Your Spirit
Taking holiday-relevant photos at your headquarters and posting them online can be done in a variety of ways, so this is certainly not limited to team group shots. For instance, how about the interior of your office itself? Decorating it can serve multiple purposes simultaneously. It can elevate morale and create a more energetic workplace while also giving you fun photo opportunities for your social media posts. Take pictures with employees, long-time clients, or new customers, all while showing spirit for Canada Day. If you’ve done a good job staying close to your community online, this can provide an extra boost in engagement.
Entice Your Audience
If there’s one holiday marketing that has truly stood the test of time, it’s making limited-time offers for discounts and other specials for your products or services. The two best ways to announce these specials are on social media and via your email campaigns. You can even combine this with the sharing of links or content related to what you’re offering. This goes to show once again the value of maintaining multiple channels of communication with your leads and clients and thinking seasonally about your engagement with them. Don’t stay silent during holidays while your competitors are keeping things fresh and exciting all year round!
One of the key components of a successful marketing plan is to maintain a consistently engaging online presence. Holidays are just one of many opportunities to do this, and it’s our mission to help you explore all of them. Call us at (403) 770-3023 to take your strategy further!